It turned out that Prabowo had very long put a great deal of attention on the disabled

Prabowo Subianto. Candidate for President (Presidential Candidate) number 02, Prabowo Subianto promised that if elected President of the Republic of Indonesia for the coming period 2019-2024 will involve persons with disabilities in developing this country. The promise was said when he received dozens of people with disabilities at his residence, Jalan Kartanegara IV, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (12/04/2018) night.

Eka Setiawan, Chair of the Indonesian Disability Community, said that she had talked to Prabowo during the meeting. On that occasion, Eka Setiawan asked about the steps Prabowo would take to realize the implementation of Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Disability.

"He (Prabowo) answered I would invite disability to realize that. There was no promise he made. It means that when he later becomes the president of persons with disabilities, he will be invited to partner to jointly develop the country, "Eka Setiawan told the media after the meeting.

Eka said, Prabowo would invite disabled people to go hand in hand to advance the nation. According to him, the spirit of the disabled is needed.

"That's what he promised us. So if people with disabilities have the spirit of cooperation with him, what their disability friends hope for the implementation of Law Number 8 of 2016 will definitely be realized, "he said.

Meanwhile, Prabowo Subianto said he was very happy to be able to dialogue and meet with the Indonesian Disability Community.

"I am Prabowo Subianto, thanking you profusely for the presence of the brothers at my residence. My brothers and sisters, I know, represent Indonesian disability groups, "Prabowo said at the meeting.

The general chairman of the Gerindra Party admitted that he and his family were very close to persons with disabilities. Therefore, the Gerindra Party struggles as much as possible in parliament to realize and give birth to Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities.

"And in my family environment, Pak Hashim Djojohadikusumo has paid great attention to people with disabilities for a long time. And from the start the Gerindra Party fought hard to defend and advance the situation of the interests of Indonesia's disabilities, "said the former Kopassus Danjen.

Prabowo also explained that the focus of the struggle he was carrying out with Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno was to create equal opportunities for all Indonesians in getting a better quality of life.

"We want all citizens, including people with disabilities, to have a great and equal opportunity to take the best quality of life on this Indonesian earth," he said.

Then, continued Prabowo, the goal of the founding fathers of the nation in establishing an independent state and nation was to protect the whole nation's bloodshed. Thus, the protection of each citizen becomes the goal of the state, both from protection in terms of physical, health, security and others.

Prabowo also added that this was a duty for anyone who led this nation and country.

"Therefore, it is an honor that we can strive to advance the quality of life of your brothers and sisters. So, we have proven in the Indonesian Parliament in parliament with our coalition party party that we fight together with you, "he concluded.

And hopefully this can be realized, because it turns out that Prabowo has paid great attention to people with disabilities for a long time.


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